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Discover all of the ways that Dr. Samantha likes to connect with her community.

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Sport Aurora Affiliate Member 

SportAurora MISSION

Support and develop sport and recreation for all ages, genders and abilities by advocating on behalf of our community in order to build capacity, increase participation, enhance integration, celebrate excellence, and for the love of sport.

SportAurora VISION

Sport Aurora is committed to be a progressive, dynamic sport council that promotes, develops, and supports quality sport opportunities for all sport organizations.


Affiliate/Sponsor members believe in the value of sport and wish to affiliate with Sport Aurora in order to demonstrate their support of sport and their community involvement publicly. 

PaRx Prescriber

​PaRx is an initiative of the BC Parks Foundation, driven by health-care professionals who want to improve their patients’ health by connecting them to nature. PaRx is breaking ground as Canada's first national, evidence-based nature prescription program.


Migraine World Summit 

Volunteer Community Support Ambassador

An international online event that brings together 30+ world-leading migraine experts, doctors & specialists each year. Annual summit is held in March but accessible year-round.

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